Self help kit for kits (age 3-6)









ANKE teaches children through storytelling, stuffed animals and role play how to focus on their inner strength, how to be in charge of their behavior and feelings and what to resort to in moments of stress.

She teaches them how to create their own treasure box of tools which they can depend upon when they feel sad, lost, hurt or, angry. The children will also  find items in the treasure box that will assist them in feeling alive and happy again.  

They are taught that they can change how they feel despite their circumstances which enables them to make a choice to be a Bully Wizard or a Woolly Wizard. 


Parents and caretakers also learn the concepts that reinforce the lessons and enhance the effectiveness of the program.

"If we are to teach real peace in the world, 
we shall have to begin with the children." 
Mahatma Gandhi

It's high time  to concentrate on the things that place a natural smile on our children's faces, so they can play their role in creating the world they really want.



  My Story 



Bully-proofing your
