Care Coaching

I value YOU!

" Dear ANKE,
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your many years of  tender loving care of mom.  Needless to say, you are practically a part of our family. You’ve seen all of us at our best and our worst.




Kids Self-Help 





Elder Care
This program is designed for adults and elderly people facing life’s challenges.

Anke has a special feel for how to relate to them. She can see beyond the handicap, symptoms or patterns. She focuses on the 'real person' and assists them in dealing with their individual issues. By spending time with them on a one to one basis, Anke makes them feel valued, heard and appreciated.

She brings with her years of professional experience in education and cultural work. Relatives of those she works with quite often feel relieved that somebody finally understands what is happening with their loved ones. They can stop 'pushing' and 'correcting' their parents, and instead enjoy sharing quality time with them.  

You’ve held our hands; you’ve endured our frustration; you’ve patiently weathered every new turn in mother’s state of being – sometimes all in a single morning, but also over the years. I am so grateful for your endless efforts to find ways  to stimulate mom’s interest in life, and to help mom deal with her frustration, anger, and confusion. You could help mother consider ideas and face issues in a way that her children could not. There is no question in my mind that you really made a difference to mom and to us..  H.H

I'll leave the Porch Light on

A must read for babyboomers 

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